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What’s the Deal With Craft Beer?


You like to drink beer. Maybe you prefer something dark, heavy-bodied, with hints of chocolate that linger after you swallow, or perhaps you enjoy something light on your palate with a great wheat flavor that you can drop a disk of lemon into. Whether you like light beer, dark beer, or something in between, you may be asking yourself, “Yeah, I like beer, but why craft beer? Isn’t beer just awesome, delicious beer, no matter where it comes from?”

Craft beer is its own wild, wonderful, refreshing beast, that’s why. Time wrote a great article about what sets a craft beer apart from mass-produced, widely distributed beers that you can get just about anywhere. While interviewing one beer producer, they get right to the heart of the matter: “It’s really about a brewer trying to make the best product…putting quality and flavor ahead of dollars.” In other words, a craft beer is made with your taste buds in mind, not your wallet.

If you live in or are visiting the southeast, be sure to put a visit to Lonerider Beer on your to-do list. We create craft beers because we know beer, and it wasn’t made to be brewed only for its ability to ship well. We love people who drink beer, and we create drinks that we know you will keep coming back for.

For a unique beer drinking experience, come on down to Lonerider Beer. Or, contact Us to learn more about our beer selection, our seasonal offerings, or anything else we can help you with. Great beer that will soothe your spirit and satisfy your thirst for a great brew is just a car ride away.