The Craft Beer and Good Health Connection

Anyone who has quaffed down a pint of fresh, delicious craft beer knows firsthand just how wonderful one (or two) can make you feel. But did you know there’s actually a real connection between good beer and good health?
Let’s start with what’s in that sudsy concoction. In addition to protein and fiber, craft beer is full of important nutrients including selenium, B vitamins, phosphorus, folate and niacin. NPR’s The Salt also notes that beer is “One of a few significant dietary sources of silicon, which research has shown can help thwart the effects of osteoporosis.” Antioxidants? Yep, beer’s got those too. Ever have kidney stones? Try drinking more beer, which can reduce the risk of developing them by some 41%! In fact, beer may even contain prebiotics, which help promote good health in your gut.
But wait, there’s more!
Recent studies have shown an intriguing correlation between exercise and drinking, whereby people who exercise more tend to drink more. While the exact cause is not yet known, researchers hypothesize that both exercise and imbibing activate the reward processing areas the brain, meaning we get a buzz from both!
If you’re still not convinced that craft beer and good health go hand in hand, check out this list of positive health impacts — from a decreased risk of heart disease, to better cognitive functioning — associated with sipping those suds.
So go ahead and buy that next round — whether you toast to good friends or to good times, you can feel confident that with craft beer you’re always toasting to good health! Cheers!