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Join us next Wednesday, August 12th from 7pm-8pm to answer the Call for Change!

CFC Party Partner - Lonerider

Looking to make plans for Wednesday, August 12th? Party at home with us and Band Together! As one of the Call for Change: Band Together Against Racism party partners, we’re offering 10% off our curbside menu for you to pick up and enjoy from the comforts of your home while you jam out to some great artists supporting a just cause. Use promo code BANDTOGETHER at checkout and get ready to have a great time! You can order your beers from both of our Hideouts here!


or more info about the event check ou the social channels below.

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/711354773052673/

Band Together Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BandTogether/

Band Together Instagram: @bandtogether_nc

Band Together Twitter: @bandtogethernc