Raleigh Brewery Tour is the Most Fun You Can Have for a Buck

If you’re looking to stir up a little trouble there are plenty of things to do in Raleigh, North Carolina. However, if you want to have a blast and only spend $1, there’s just one activity you should even consider. Take a tour of the Raleigh, North Carolina Lonerider Brewery. Tours are given on Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm.
However, not every Saturday is a tour day. We have to keep you on your toes. Upcoming tour dates are:
- October 3rd
- October 17th
- November 7th
- November 21st
- December 12th
Of course, our tour is a hoot on its own but its a full-fledged hootenanny with a pint in your hand, so feel free to saddle up to the bar and buy a beer before you begin. You’ll have to let the bartender know you’re here for a tour anyway, so you might as well order a beer while you’re at it.
A cowboy always wear boots to protect his feet from horse hooves and rattlesnake bites, and you should wear closed toed shoes on the brewery tour. We don’t expect you’ll run into any wildlife, but the brewing process is a wild one, and you’re better safe than sorry. (Or in this case, better safe than wearing blue booties over your flip-flops or heels.)
For more information on touring the brewery and learning more about our process for crafting your favorite beers like Peacemaker Pale Ale and Sweet Josie Brown Ale please contact us, we’d love to show you around.