Starry Plough Nitro Dry Irish Stout
This is our take on a traditional Dry Irish Stout. The nitrogenation gives this beer extra creaminess and a high drinkability.
Tasting Notes:
Appearance: Distinctively dark, with a rich creamy white head.
Nose: Sweet smelling with a coffee and malty nose. Dark roasted malts are most noticeable on the nose. Hop aroma is non existent.
Flavor: Perfect balance of sweet and bitter with malt and roast notes. The body of this beer is only light as far as malt body goes. The nitrogenation gives this beer a very creamy mouthfeel. Like the nose, the flavor is predominantly dark roasted malts, with hops contributing only bitterness.
Brewer’s Notes:
This stout should be poured and served much like Guinness. A slow, 2 part pour will give the best visual presentation. Recommended serving temp is 42f.
Recipe Description:
English Marris otter is used as the base malt. Roasted Barley, Medium roast crystal and flaked barley is also used in lower percentages. A single bittering addition is all that is needed for this Dry stout