Goldie’s Doppelbock
Description: This is our take on a classic German Doppelbock. We keep it simple with this one and let the malts take the stage.
Tasting Notes:
Appearance: Pours a dark ruby colored hue. Clarity is bright, with a medium/thin head.
Nose: Toffee and roasted malts are in the forefront. Hop aroma is nonexistent, leaving the aroma to showcase the malts and
Flavor: Very full bodied. Again, Toffee,chocolate and roast come through first, while the hop bitterness is low and flavor hops are undetected.
Brewer’s Notes:
Poured into a pint glass and you’ll have a barely existent head that soon dissipates. Try serving this in a tulip or snifter and you’ll have a much thicker, stronger head that will also bring out the aromatics from the malts much better than a standard pint or nonic style glass.
Recipe Description:
Very simple recipe. Only three malts and one hop are used in this lager. The yeast is a clean german lager strain.
Bronze medal winner at the 2017 Great American Beer Fest.