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Gingerbread Deadeye Jack Porter

Deadeye Jack our seasonal porter consisting of a strong malty background with hints of roasted chocolate, subtle sweetness,  low hop bitterness, has been infused with gingerbread flavor.

Tasting Notes: 

Appearance:  Pours a very opaque dark brown, almost black. Head is thin to medium

Nose: English malts come out strong in the nose, as well as notes of coffee and dark chocolate

Flavor: Very similar to the nose.  The Gingerbread comes through as well as the Toffee and English hops.

Brewer’s Notes:  

Deadeye Jack is a very rich and satisfying beer. Like many beers, you will be able to appreciate all the different flavors from the ingredients if you let this come up to a warmer temperature. We recommend serving this in a tumbler or nonic style glass

Recipe Description:

Marris Otter (an English heirloom malt) is the base malt of this beer. German Munich and crystal malts give it some extra mouth feel. The Gingerbread flavoring provides the holiday spirit.  Only a single hop addition of German Magnum is used in this beer as we wanted to showcase the malts.


This is by far our most requested and sought after seasonal. Deadeye Jack has also won a few medals including a sliver at GABF and a gold in the US Open Championship of Beer.

